Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Getting Ready For A Celebration

In less than two weeks time we will have our 5 year blogiversary. Of course it didn't start out as Appalachia & Beyond, it started out at Robin & Tim's Outdoor Adventures, or something like that. It was back in 2010 that we changed it to Appalachia & Beyond and gave it all a nice make over, but I digress...
Here we are 5 years later and we couldn't ask for a better result with the blog. We have a wonderful cast of friends, fans, and followers. Our Facebook, Twitter, and Subscriber stats really attest to that and it continues to grow. We've added new members to the A & B team too. Honestly we consider ourselves truly blessed and fortunate.

With that being said, and if you remember from the Flashlight Giveaway, in less than two weeks time we will celebrate in a big way. As a thank you to all of our fans, we will be holding a week worth of giveaways starting on May 7 and ending on May 11, our blogiversary week. We have a lot of great prizes lined up from some awesome companies like Headsweats, Hylands, Goodhew, Hungry Hikers, Cobrabraids, SportScience, Coast, and more. So get ready for some great prizes. You will all have a full week to enter for each prize starting on the day the giveaway is announced (i.e. the last day to enter for Monday's prize will be Sunday, Tuesday's prize Monday, etc.).

Anyway, we are still trying to firm up one or two more prizes before then but we wanted to start getting the word out now just to get you all excited and ready to celebrate with us.

Happy Trails,
Tim and Robin