Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hello October - Thank You Bloggers

October is here and we all know that means time for leaf peeping around these parts. Here the leaves are starting to turn. The Dogwoods have turned their normal dark red and other low lying trees as well. Up high in the mountains, the leaves are turning as well. Another week, and the autumn colors will be in full regalia showing off their grandeur. If you're anything like us, then you are out and about every chance you get hiking, attending festivals, or any other outdoor activity that affords you the opportunity to enjoy the brilliance of Autumn. So if you haven't already, get those plans together to get outdoors and enjoy the show. You can always check here for ideas and events for where to find prime leaf color viewing spots and of course any of the other numerous outdoor blogs out in the web-a-sphere.

Speaking of other outdoor blogs, that brings to the main reason for this post. Being that the first of October has finally made it here, it's time again to say thank you to the many outdoor bloggers with whom we've forged relationships with and in turn send traffic our way via links on their sites. So without further ado, let us thank the following blogs/outdoor websites and their owners for doing what they do best and for being our friends:
Thank you all for linking to us and sending traffic our way. We hope that we have been able to do the same for you all, and keep doing what you are doing. See you all outside.

Happy Trails,
Tim and Robin