Sunday, June 12, 2011

A New Page on the Blog - Gear Reviews

We hope that everyone is having a great day and a great weekend. We've been busy doing things around the house and going to yard sales to get things for Baby Bird. We also went to the doctor this week to have the second trimester testing and baby is doing well and so is Robin. So we are getting major excited and the task of getting things ready are looming over us big time, so we may not have as much outdoorsy related stuff posted over the next couple of weeks but we will manage to get at least a hike or two in - hopefully.

In the meantime, we thought it would be helpful to make a couple new pages on the blog for you, our readers. We've added a new one starting today, Gear Reviews. We figured as we post new things, the important stuff like Gear Reviews and Trail reports get covered up and it's hard to find. So the next page that we will add in the next couple of days will be Trails, but for now our Gear Reviews page is up and live. Check it out and let us know what you think. We've just provided links and brief descriptions of the reviews in different categories. We hope this will enable you all to find the gear reviews easier, instead of having to search high and low for them.

That's pretty much all we have for now. Robin will be reviewing the Vasque Taku GTX hiking boots and the Goodhew Hiking Socks she received from the Outdoor Blogger Network real soon, so keep your eyes peeled for those. Until next time...

Happy Trails,
Tim and Robin