Friday, July 8, 2011

Gear Giveaway Roundup 7/8/2011

Howdy Folks and welcome to another edition of "What can I win this week?" I know you are all asking yourselves that question right now, and I can say that this week there are a few good things out there worth trying for. So let's get right to it shall we?

Today, Tom and Atticus will be giving away a collar from Lupine Collars and Leads. All you have to do is comment on their Facebook wall how you came up with your dog's or cat's name. At some time today they will pick the winner at random. Don't delay, you don't want to miss out on this opportunity for your four-legged friend.

Trish, Alex, and Sage has a book giveaway going on right now. Which book you ask? It's a signed copy of Steve Smith and Mike Dickerman's definitive guide, The 4000-Footers of the White Mountains. Trish will have Alex and Sage pick a winner on July 31st. All you have to do is send Trish an email with your desire to win. Head over to their blog for the email address to get entered.

Next up is Take a Hike GPS. This month they are giving away a new Garmin eTrex GPS Geocaching Kit. To enter for your chance at this giveaway, you only need to sign up for the Take a Hike GPS newsletter. There are also other ways to enter, like mentioning the giveaway on Twitter, liking Take a Hike GPS on Facebook, and mentioning the giveaway in a blogpost. Head over to Take a Hike GPS to enter. Winner will be selected at the end of the month.

Now for the reminders.

Outdoor Informer is giving away a sweet ENO Hammock prize package at the end of the month. Be sure to get over and enter for your chance to win.

PAHikes, has a pretty nifty pocket chainsaw. This would come in handy out in the backcountry I'm sure. They will be announcing the winner at the end of the month. Head on over to and enter now.

Finally, has their Summer Kickoff Contest. All you have to do is bag a peak on their website for a chance to win one of three cool prizes. What are you waiting for? Head over, sign up and start bagging. Each peak counts as another entry.

Oh be sure to check out the Outdoor Blogger Network. They always have the coolest Gear Review Opportunities. You have to be an outdoor blogger and your blog has to be listed in their directory before you can get in on these opportunities. So head on over to the OBN and submit your blog today. 

That's all we've got this week. Have a great weekend, get outside, and have a blast.

Happy Winning,
Tim and Robin