Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Happy Anniversary To Us!

Nine years ago today, on a gorgeous April afternoon, Tim and I were married amongst the tulips on a mountaintop near the Great Smoky Mountains. 

We had a small, low cost wedding that we planned in less than two weeks. I was lucky enough to find a dress that fit me perfect, and Tim promised to wear a pink tie that we still joke about today because it cost $60 - more than the cost of my veil and shoes combined. I remember going into Men's Warehouse, finding the matching color pink, and him whispering the question, "Are we going to pay that much for a tie?" So I whispered back, "My mom just spent $600 on a dress I'm going to wear once." I still remember the look on his face: somewhere in between the realization that you just waved back to someone waving to the person behind you and a deer caught in the headlights. Priceless!

We honeymooned in the Smokies, ate at our favorite authentic Italian restaurant (now closed by the way), became tourists for a week, hiked one of the toughest day hikes ever (I lost count after 8 miles), and he even took me in Ripley's Haunted Adventure - in which I nearly had a panic attack, found myself clinging to some strange man in the dark (not Tim), and cried for an hour afterwards. He still horselaughs me over this, and I still haven't forgiven him. Maybe I will in another nine years.